Your car accident claim will pit you against the other driver and their insurance provider. They will both want to blame you for the crash, even if you are entirely certain that you did nothing wrong. The problem is that they could get away with blaming you if the case boils down to your word against theirs. To back your story, you need convincing evidence.Five of the best forms of evidence that could bolster your car accident claim are:

  • Dashcam footage: The footage that your dashcam or that of the other driver could be the best piece of evidence available. Be sure to save any data your dashcam captured. Tell your attorney if you think the other driver has a dashcam, too, so they can request a copy before it is conveniently “lost” or “accidentally” deleted. If you don’t have a dashcam in your car, then it might be time to invest in one. Many models are highly affordable these days.
  • Eyewitness statements: Pedestrians and other drivers who saw your crash might have seen it from the best angles. If anyone stops to help you with the aftermath of your accident, you should get their contact information to pass along to your attorney later. They can speak with them and see if they can provide a statement that benefits your case.
  • Police report: If the police responded to your car accident, then the officers should create and file a police report that details what they witnessed. The report can also say who they thought was the driver that caused the crash, which can be designated by recording that person as Party 1. Police reports can take a few days to be entered into the department’s systems, so don’t be deterred if you call the next day to get a report but don’t get one.
  • Medical records: Insurance companies will sometimes try to argue that an accident never happened because no one was seriously injured. You can defeat this attempt to undermine your claim by utilizing your medical records. Hopefully, you saw a doctor the same day as your accident for a checkup or other treatments. If you did, then your medical records will include mention of your injuries with a direct link to when the accident happened.
  • Driving histories: The other driver’s accident or insurance records could be telling. If they have a long history of collisions and reckless driving, then it could help us tip the arguments in your favor when there is still some gray area concerning the liability.

Do you need help using the evidence you gathered about your car accident in New York City or on Long Island? Contact Koenigsberg & Associates Law Offices to arrange a free consultation with our attorneys.