What You Need to Know About This Important Coverage

If you’re a driver in New York, you must have car insurance. But what kind of coverage do you need? Personal injury protection (PIP) is one type of coverage required in some states, but not all. So, what is PIP, and do you need it in New York?

What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?

Personal injury protection (PIP) is a type of car insurance coverage that helps pay for your medical expenses and lost wages if you’re injured in a car accident, regardless of who is at fault. PIP coverage is also sometimes called “no-fault” coverage because it can help pay your expenses even if the accident was your fault.

PIP coverage is typically offered as part of your car insurance policy and may even be required in some states. Even if PIP coverage is not required, it may still be a good idea to add it to your policy because it can help cover your costs if you’re ever in an accident.

Do You Need Personal Injury Protection in New York?

In New York, personal injury protection (PIP) is required as part of the state’s no-fault insurance laws. The minimum coverage you can purchase on your policy is $50,000. However, you can buy a higher amount to supplement your individual needs and financial situation.

What Does PIP Pay For After an Accident?

In addition to medical expenses and lost wages, personal injury protection can also cover rehabilitation expenses, and other costs associated with your injuries. If the crash results in a fatality, funeral costs may also be included.

You will need to file a claim with your insurance company to receive benefits from your PIP coverage. Once you have filed a claim, your insurance company will review it and determine how much they are willing to pay.

Keep in mind that PIP coverage is not health insurance, and it will not cover all of your medical expenses. PIP coverage is designed to supplement your health insurance, and it will only pay for expenses not covered by your health insurance policy.

Does Personal Injury Protection Cover My Passengers?

In some states, personal injury protection (PIP) coverage may only extend to the policyholder, but in other states, PIP coverage may also extend to your passengers. It’s important to check with your insurance company to see what is covered under your PIP policy.

New York’s PIP coverage extends to both the driver and any passengers in their vehicle. Additionally, PIP coverage also extends to pedestrians and bicyclists who are hit by a car but have personal injury protection on their auto policy.

What About the People in the Other Vehicle?

PIP coverage is a first-party coverage, meaning it only extends to the policyholder and their passengers. PIP coverage will not pay for the medical expenses or lost wages of the people in the other vehicle.

Fast Facts About New York PIP Coverage

  • Required by law in New York.
  • It starts at $50,000, but additional coverage can be purchased.
  • Extends to the policyholder and any passengers in their vehicle.
  • It does not extend to people in the other vehicle.

Your Trusted Legal Team

If you have questions about personal injury protection (PIP) or car insurance in general, contact Koenigsberg & Associates Law Offices today. Our experienced car accident lawyers can answer all of your questions and help you get the compensation you deserve.